A new study has found a bi-directional relationship between gastrointestinal (GI) issues and internalised symptoms such as anxiety in children and adolescents with autism, which means the symptoms seem to be affecting each other. The findings could inform future precision medicine research aimed at developing personalised treatments for people with autism experiencing gastrointestinal issues. The study appears in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Autism is known to be often associated with GI issues, and is often overlooked in children despite being a source of pain and anxiety. Food preferences are often for carbohydrates and processed foods. The most common cause of GI issues in children with autism are abdominal pain, constipation, chronic diarrhea and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
“Research has shown gastrointestinal issues are associated with an increased stress response as well as aggression and irritability in some children with autism,” said Brad Ferguson, an assistant research professor. “This likely happens because some kids with autism are unable to verbally communicate their gastrointestinal discomfort as well as how they feel in general, which can be extremely frustrating. The goal of our research is to find out what factors are associated with gastrointestinal problems in individuals with autism so we can design treatments to help these individuals feel better.”
In the study, Ferguson and his team analysed health data from more than 620 under-18 patients with autism who experience gastrointestinal issues. Then, the researchers examined the relationship between the GI issues and internalised symptoms. Ferguson explained the findings provide more evidence on the importance of the ‘gut–brain axis’ in GI disorders in individuals with autism.
“Stress signals from the brain can alter the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine in the gut which control gastrointestinal motility, or the movement of stool through the intestines. Stress also impacts the balance of bacteria living in the gut, called the microbiota, which can alter gastrointestinal functioning,” Ferguson said. “The gut then sends signals back to the brain, and that can, in turn, lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and social withdrawal. The cycle then repeats, so novel treatments addressing signals from both the brain and the gut may provide the most benefit for some kids with gastrointestinal disorders and autism.”
Ferguson is collaborating with David Beversdorf, a neurologist who also studies gastrointestinal problems in individuals with autism. Beversdorf had recently helped identify specific RNA biomarkers linked with gastrointestinal issues in children with autism.
“Interestingly, the study from Beversdorf and colleagues found relationships between microRNA that are related to anxiety behaviour following prolonged stress as well as depression and gastrointestinal disturbance, providing some converging evidence with our behavioural findings,” Ferguson said.
Ferguson and Beversdorf are now together investigating the effects of a stress-reducing medication on GI issues in a clinical trial. Ferguson cautioned that treatment could be effective for certain people with autism but not others.
“Our team uses a biomarker-based approach to find what markers in the body are common in those who respond favourably to certain treatments,” Ferguson said. “Our goal is to eventually develop a quick test that tells us which treatment is likely to work for which subgroups of patients based on their unique biomarker signature, including markers of stress, composition of gut bacteria, genetics, co-occurring psychological disorders, or a combination thereof. This way, we can provide the right treatments to the right patients at the right time.”
Source: University of Missouri-Columbia